Course CodeFPFF

Course Duration: 2 1/2 days.(15 hours)

Fire prevention & Fire Fighting (FPFF)

This course aims to provide the training for candidates in fire prevention and fighting in accordance with Section AVI/1 of the STCW Code.

This syllabus covers the requirements of the 2010 STCW Convention Chapter VI, Section AVI/1, paragraph 2 and Table AVI/1-2. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in fire prevention and fire fighting, a trainee will be competent to take appropriate measures for the safety of personnel and of the ship and to use fire appliances correctly. The trainee will also have a knowledge of fire prevention.

Course Requirement

  • 01The course is open to all seafarers and prospective seafarers and should be completed prior to employment on a seagoing ship.
  • 02All trainees must be certified by a doctor to be in good health.